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Web 多媒体元素参考手册

<bgsound> 元素

idA unique id for the element.
srcThe location (URL) of the source file.
balanceThe balance. (-10000=left, +10000=right).
loopThe number of loops. (-1=infinite).
volumeThe volume. (0=max, -10000=min).

<embed> 元素

autostartAutomatic start. (true | false).
heightThe height of the element in pixels or %.
hiddenThe visibility of the element. (true | false).
srcThe location (URL) of the source file.
widthThe width of the element in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<applet> 元素

altAn alternate text.
archiveThe locations (URLs) of archive files.
codeThe location (URL) of the applet code.
codebaseThe base location (default URL) for all files.
heightThe height of the applet in pixels or %.
nameThe name of the applet.
objectA saved representation of the applet. Do not use.
widthThe width of the applet in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<object> 元素

archiveThe locations (URLs) of archive files.
classidThe location (URL) of the object.
codebaseThe base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by the classid, data, and archive attributes.
codetypeThe content type of the code.
dataThe location (URL) of object data.
declareDo not instantiate (execute) the object.
heightThe height of the object in pixels or %.
nameThe object's name.
standbyText to display while object is loading.
tabindexThe position in the tab order
typeThe content type of the object.
usemapThe location (URL) of an image map.
widthThe width of the player in pixels or %.

请同时参阅页面底部的样式化属性、通用 HTML 属性以及事件属性:

<param> 元素

param 元素为 object 或 applet 元素定义参数。

idA unique id for the element.
nameParameter name.
typeParameter content type.
valueParameter value.
valuetypeParameter value type.



alignThe alignment of the object.
borderThe border with in pixels.
hspaceThe horizontal white-space (margin) in pixels.
vspaceThe vertical white-space (margin) in pixels.

通用 HTML 属性

classThe element's class.
dirThe directionality of the element.
idA unique id for the element.
langThe language used by the element.
styleThe element's style.
titleThe elements title.


onclickmouse clicked
ondblclickmouse double clicked
onmousedownmouse button pressed down
onmouseupmouse button released
onmouseovercursor moved onto the element
onmousemovecursor moved within the element
onmouseoutcursor moved away from the element
onkeypressedkey pressed and released over the element
onkeydownkey pressed down over the element
onkeyupkey released over the element